TED Talk (Ideas)

  • TED talk Example-
  • 3 mathematical concepts found in photography
    • Hyper-focal distance
    • amount of light entering the camera
      • exposure
      • aperture
      • Iso
  • A couple questions to ask
    • How does the amount of light effect the photograph you want to/did take?
      • over exposed
      • underexposed
    • What does the distance between your camera and your subject effect?
      • Focus of photograph
    • does editting the photo consist of math as well?
      • yes… sizing, amount of each color, size of brushes, amount of contrast, ect.
  • Examples
    • pictures
    • videos

Testable Question

Question- What Aperture and ISO do you need to use to keep my entire photograph in focus but still have a good exposure in the sunlight?

Hypothesis- If you use an F/16 Aperture and 200 ISO then you will get a correctly exposed, focused photograph in the sunlight.

3 Professional photographers-

  1. Jones Photo- retailjonesphoto@gmail.com
  2. Brad Olson- brad@bradolsonphpotography.com
  3. David Huff- davidhuffphoto@gmail.com


Information On Interpreting Math into Photography (3/21)

These charts show the information needed to calculate the amount of light entering your camera and the hyper-vocal distance you want in order to get crisp focus. These are 2 of the 4 main ideas you really want to know and understand when you start using your camera on manual mode. These two concepts of photography are two of the most important ideas to understand and know.


Charts found at:




Math in Photography

Many people ask how math is incorporated into photography, they don’t see the math that is used because its the simple math. Photography deals with several scenarios dealing with math. For example, When you are manually taking a photography you have to calculate your vocal distance (amount of space between your camera and your subject) in which your photo can be focused perfectly. Another example would be calculating the amount of light you want to enter your camera. If you don’t calculate the amount of light entering the camera, your photo may come out over exposed (too much light entering the camera, this makes the photo have many bright white distractions) or under exposed (not enough light entered the camera, this makes the photo have dark, black distractions).